East Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
September 11, 2023
6:30 to 8:00 pm (Doors open at 6:00)
Urban Acres Realty
250 Holiday Road, Coralville
(see map below)
Welcome to fall (even if it still feels like summer)! Hope you’ve had a good summer and your bees have had a good one as well. We will have a lot to talk about so we hope you’re able to join us!
--Introductions and welcoming new members
--Brief sharing of summer “successes”. How did your bees do and how was the honey production?
--Treasurer Report-- Additionally, we will be needing to elect a new treasurer as Jean Stallman will not be able to continue in this position due to family obligations. We thank Jean for her service and wish her well.
--Budget report—At our June meeting, a question was asked about our budget. Below is a listing of the budget developed early this year, and we’ll discuss this briefly at the meeting.
$300 Big item to be used by club members
$200 Honorarium for Honey Princess
$150 Summer field day expenses
$250 Johnson County Fair booth
$400 Honorarium for speakers
$150 Reimbursement for conference attendance
$50 General supplies
Annual total: $1500
--Oxalic Acid vaporizer for club use
--Developing a club apiary
--Should we hold more meetings?
--Overwintering colonies—James Miller will talk about his method for helping bees get through winter
Also find us on Facebook:
Jim Davis, Secretary