
President: Joseph Klingelhutz 319-530-7949 // Vice-President: Will Swain 319-530-3343 // Secretary: Rachel Vakulich // Treasurer: Diane Kuhlman //Web: Jim Davis


Do you want to become a member of ECIBA?  Simply attend one of the meetings and provide your basic contact information (name, address, email).  Dues are $20 per year and can be paid at any meeting or send a check to our treasurer:  Jean Stallman; 11247 Scotch Grove Lane; Fairfax, Iowa 52228


Article 1 Name of the Organization

1.1 The club shall be known as East Central Iowa Beekeepers Association (referred to hereinafter as ECIBA or “the club”.

Article 2 Purpose of the Organization

2.1 The purpose of the club is to provide education, support, and promote interest in the fascinating field of beekeeping.
2.2 Scientific and relevant education related to beekeeping is provided through meetings, social interaction, and public outreach which includes public speaking, demonstrations, and presence at public functions.
2.3 Support for members and the public is provided through mentoring, sharing at meetings and social events and maintaining a presence on the world wide web.
2.4 Promoting interest in beekeeping is accomplished by public outreach as described above.

Article 3 Membership

3.1 Membership is open to anyone in east central Iowa showing an interest in beekeeping.
3.2 Membership will not be denied on the basis of race, sex, handicap, age, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliation, or experience with beekeeping.
3.3 Members will be in good standing upon payment of annual dues.

Article 4 Dues

4.1 Dues are to be collected per household rather than individually
4.2 The amount of annual dues will be determined by a majority vote of members at the meeting following the notice of proposed change in dues in the previous meeting.
4.3 New members are encouraged to pay annual dues at their first meeting or at the next meeting they are in attendance.
4.4 Annual dues will be collected at the February meeting of ECIBA. Members not attending the March meeting may pay at any thereafter.

Article 5 Meetings

5.1 Meetings of the club will be held quarterly on the second Monday in February, April, and September. A Field Day will be held in the summer at a date to be determined.

5.2 Additional meetings may be held informally at member discretion.

5.3 Meetings are held from 6:30 to 8 pm unless members are informed

5.3 Meeting details will be posted on the club’s website and members notified of the date, time and location either via email or postal mail.

Article 6. Officers and Duties

6.1 The officers of the organization shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer who, in addition to one to two at-large members, shall constitute the Board of Directors of the club.

6.2 Additional officer positions, such as committee chairs, may be created and officers appointed by the Board of Directors.

6.3 All members of the Board of Directors must be members in good standing and must adhere to the ideals of the purposes of the club.

6.4 Qualifications

6.41 President: Must have 5 years’ minimum experience as a beekeeper and active club member for a minimum of two years.

6.42 Vice-president: Must have 3 years minimum experience as a beekeeper and been an active club member for a minimum of two years.

6.43 Secretary and Treasurer: Must possess organizational skills and computer literacy.

6.5 Duties

6.51 The president shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the club
b. Serve as official spokesperson of the club
c. Give final approval to all funds spent by the club
d. Exercise all powers and perform all duties normally incident to such office, including developing the agenda for the meetings.

6.52 The vice-president shall:
a. Perform all duties and responsibilities of the president in the absence of the latter
b. Perform such other duties as the president may authorize
c. Assist the president in development of the agenda for the meetings.

6.53 The secretary shall:
a. Record the minutes of each meeting of the club
b. Send a copy of the minutes, in a timely manner, to each household listed in the membership list either by email or postal mail in the absence of an email address
c. Maintain the official membership list
d. Handle correspondence of the club as directed by the president
e. Assist the web manager in updating and maintaining the club’s web site

6.54 The treasurer shall:
a. Collect all monies due the club
b. Deposit club funds appropriately
c. Keep financial records of the club
d. Make a treasurer’s report at all meetings of the club
e. Arrange for payment of accounts owed by the club

Article 7 Elections

7.1 Elections will be held bi-annually at the February meeting of the club.
7.2 All elections will be decided by a simple majority of members present at that meeting.
7.3 Terms of officers
7.31 Presidents and vice-presidents will serve two year terms.

7.32 At the end of the two-year term, should the president choose to resign, the vice-president may be appointed president upon approval of a majority vote.

7.33 The president, upon completion of his or her term, shall not be eligible for re-election to office for a minimum of two years.
7.34 The offices of secretary and treasurer will be two year terms.
7.35 A special election will be held at the first meeting following the permanent absence of an executive officer to replace such officer.

Article 8 Miscellaneous

8.1 This constitution may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members at the meeting following the initial meeting when proposed changes are announced.

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