East Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
Day 2023
Join us for an ECIBA Field Day!
This will be an opportunity for hands-on learning
and sharing of information and experience.
Who: Members of ECIBA
When: Saturday, June 3rd
1 to 4 pm
Cost: Free, members only.
Dues for 2023 may be paid
at the event.
Where: (see directions below)
What: June meeting; activities may include: making
splits; testing for mites; queen marking; hive
inspection; open discussion
**Please bring a lawn chair and protective bee wear.
Note: Attendance will be limited. Please RSVP by email
if you plan to attend. (davisjk@southslope.net)
Treats and Door Prizes!
Address: 1380 White Oak Ave NE, Lisbon
From Iowa City--take highway 1 north towards Mt. Vernon
After Solon, head east on Sutliff Road (140th St., F14)
After you cross the Cedar River, take a right on White Oak Ave
towards Sutliff. After leaving Sutliff, take the first left
past 130th Street. Look for the ECIBA signs.
(Click on the map below to enlarge)