East Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
Agenda December 13, 2021 Notice of Location Change:
We have a change in location for our December 13th quarterly meeting of East Central Iowa Beekeepers Association. Instead of the Coralville Liberary, we will be meeting at Urban Acres Realty in Coralville. Urban Acres is easy to get to and there is ample parking and space.
To get to Urban Acres, at 250 Holiday Road in Coralville:
From I-80: Take the First Avenue exit. Go north on First Avenue. Take the second exit off the roundabout onto Holiday Road. Take the first left onto Holiday Ridge Lane. Turn right immediately into the parking lot of Urban Acres.
From 6th Avenue in Coralville: Turn north onto First Avenue. Follow this across the I-80 overpass. Take the second exit off the roundabout onto Holiday Road. Take the first left onto Holiday Ridge Lane. Turn right immediately into the parking lot of Urban Acres.
Please note: Fully vaccinated people may attend without
a mask.
If you are not fully vaccinated, we ask that you wear a mask
to the meeting. Thank you. Meeting Time: Doors open at 6:00 Meeting from 6:30 to 8:00 --Introductions of officers, recognition of new members
(Floyd Otdoerfer) --Treasurer’s Report (Jean Stallman) --Honey Queen Report (Rachel Vakulich) --Discussion of election of officers --Report on Iowa Honey Producers Annual Meeting
(James Miller, Joseph Klingelhutz) --2022 Beekeeping Classes, Mentoring --Bee equipment, package bees for 2022 (Jim Davis) --Winter bee management (Joseph Klingelhutz) --15 minute break-- --Processing Beeswax (Floyd Otdoerfer) --Open Discussion --Door prizes
Note: Beginning with the December meeting, we will plan
to have a table or an area set aside for members to
bring items they want to sell or, instead of bringing
actual items you may write up a list of the items you
would like to sell along with your contact information.
Special Thanks To Rob McCain of Urban Acres for making this
facility available to us. Jim Davis, Secretary ECIBA http://eastcentraliowabeekeepers.blogspot.com On Facebook: East Central Iowa Beekeepers group