Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
May 25, 2020
Dear Members,
Due to restrictions
currently in place for the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be able to
hold our quarterly meeting, scheduled for June 8th.
Hopefully, we will be able to meet at our next scheduled date on
September 14th. We will notify you via email, our website
or postal mail of our status prior to that date.
In lieu of being
able to hold a meeting in June, we are tentatively scheduling
a field day activity on July 12, 1 to 4 pm at Kent Park, in
Johnson County. We would meet at the Conservation Education Center
(see map below). Plans are still being
formulated for this date but may include a short meeting,
presentations, and refreshments. This, of course, will be dependent
in most part upon easing of group restrictions by the governor prior
to that date and by determining if, regardless of restrictions, the
club officers feel it is prudent to have a large gathering at
that time.
Any feedback on
this alternative plan you would care to share would be appreciated.
If you have ideas about presentations you would like to see or would
like to present, or would like to a part of the planning for this
proposed event, please contact our president, Floyd, at
319-351-7428, vice-president Joseph at jo.aloysius@gmail.com
or me at davisjk@southslope.net.
We will keep you
informed. Hopefully, all are well into a successful bee season and
will be able to meet again soon.
Jim Davis, Secretary
For a map of the location of Kent Park, as well as a map of the park, follow this link.