Opening Friday, August 30th
A woman utilizes ancient beekeeping traditions to cultivate honey in the mountains of Macedonia. When a neighboring family tries to do the same, it becomes a source of tension as they disregard her wisdom and advice.
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Click here to view the trailer of the film.
Minutes from East Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
10, 2019
40 in attendance
Dave Irvin called the meeting to order at 6:20.
sheet was passed around for people to sign up to work our booth at
the Johnson
County Fair.
It will again run 4 days, Sunday through Wednesday, July 21 to 24.
If you didn’t sign up but would be willing to work a shift, please
give Dave a call.
is downsizing due to some health concerns and has some materials
available. Floyd has some nucs available for sale.
is coming up this Saturday at the Horticultural Research Center in
The swarm season is underway but may extend more into June given
the late spring.
entries may now be made.
Wolff will transport any entries on the Wednesday before the fair
opens. Contact Bob if you are interested. The Honey Producers
website has all the information about categories, rules, etc.
were introduced. Welcome to all!
Honey Producers
meeting will be November 9 at the Holiday Inn Des Moines Airport.
Again, anyone who attends this meeting or the summer field day is
welcome and encouraged to give a summary of what you experienced at
our next meeting following the event.
have been heavy coming out of winter. Eberts have experienced
about 50% losses.
to put supers on? Some honey flow is coming in. A little discussion
of the use of queen excluders resulted in mixed reviews, with some
trying to go without this year.
would be a good time to decide what kind of mite
to use and purchase materials so you’re ready when it’s time.
Various members discussed the type of treatment they use, but most
stressed the necessity of treating. Monitoring mite counts is very
They are present in eastern Iowa. Floyd described the problems
from carpenter ants. It will soon be time for wax moths to be a
problem, particularly for a weak hive. Don’t leave excessive
space. If a hive is weaker, the moths are more likely to be a
demonstrated how he uses nucs.
Putting a frame with swarm cells into a nuc is a great way to
start a nuc. Floyd builds his with a little more vertical space so
swarm cells on the bottom of the frame don’t get squashed.
feeding is very important for getting the bees through that last
critical period when the weather can turn wet and cold.
Oak Land Trust—Jason Taylor
focused his talk on the danger that many species of insects,
plants, amphibians and reptiles may face extinction. Habitat
fragmentation, habitat degredation and habitat removal has played a
tremendous role in the struggles for survival of many of these
species. He focused on the rusty patch bumble bee in demonstrating
how the range of the insect has hugely diminished. Awareness of the
presence of species like this can result in funding that can help
its survival.
talked about the life cycle of the bumble bee. The vast majority
of bees in Iowa are solitary bees, not colonial or social bees like
the honey bee. These bees need great nectar sources in early spring,
typically in April in Iowa. Prairie plants for the most part are
later blooming. The bumble bees need good woodland nectar sources
to survive. He listed several plants that are very good for
bumblebees, such as wild bergamot, that are likely good nectar
sources for honey bees as well. Planting native species and
helping rid the landscape of non-native plants can be helpful. For
trees, species of viburnum provide good early nectar.
Davis showed the various aspects of our club’s website, including
resources, trading items, news and video links. The website is
accessed at
as always to the Stewarts for providing refreshments and to Jason for informing us about what we need to do to help all pollinators.
Davis, secretary
and Agenda items are always available at