
President: Joseph Klingelhutz 319-530-7949 // Vice-President: Will Swain 319-530-3343 // Secretary: Rachel Vakulich // Treasurer: Diane Kuhlman //Web: Jim Davis

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Minutes from December 14th Meeting

(Note:  Our secretary was absent from this meeting, so the following is an abbreviated set of minutes from the meeting.)

Dave Irvin called the meeting to order at 6:40.  Floyd Otdoerfer gave a summary of the annual state meeting of the Iowa Honey Producers Association.  Primarily, he talked about how difficult it has become to raise bees with all the diseases, pests and pesticides the bees and beekeepers need to deal with.  Matt Stewart added comments about the business end as well and the fact that the midwest suffered 60% loss this last season, according to the winter loss survey conducted by the people from

Floyd also demonstrated some "quilt pillows" he has made to help insulate the top of a hive.  They also will help with moisture control within the hive.  He donated two of his pillows to the raffle at the end of the meeting.

Bob Wolff spoke about a Texas class action lawsuit that is looking for people whose colonies have been harmed by neonicotiniods.  (I will update this with more specific information when I have that available--sorry  JD)

Bob also talked about beginning beekeeping classes.  Currently, the class is full for 2016 at Indian Creek Nature Center.    However, for those wanting to get into a class this year, Wickiup Hill Learning Center is giving an 8 part series on the topic. Those wanting to participate should go to their website and contact them very soon.  Bob also indicated that Johnson County is also looking into beginning a program.  Contact Johnson County Conservation for more information.

One member, Mark,  suggested those interested in purchasing Minnesota Hygenic Queens should put orders together to try to get a better price.  He also felt the group needs to be more active in working against environmental problems such as pesitcides.

The meeting ended with a raffle, with Floyd's pillows, bags of pollen feed and an oxalic acid applicator generously donated by Paul Gardner.

Jim Davis, webmaster

Looking for packages for Spring, 2016?  Check out our Trading Post page for more information.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Meeting Agenda--Monday, December 14, 2015


·         Highlights of IHPA Conference, Cedar Rapids, Nov 13-14 (Floyd Otdoerfer and others)

Come north on 12th Ave from Hwy 6 for one long block and cross over 5th Street.  Library parking is on the left (west).   Meet in Room A&B, the first room on the right in the library’s basement.
Library staff request that we be finished by 8:30 p.m., when they lock up and go home.  Start time of 6:00 is just to give folks time to chat.  Business meeting starts around 6:30 p.m.