
President: Joseph Klingelhutz 319-530-7949 // Vice-President: Will Swain 319-530-3343 // Secretary: Rachel Vakulich // Treasurer: Diane Kuhlman //Web: Jim Davis

the Trading Post

Need bees?  See the listings further down the page.

Do you have an extra nuc you want to give away or trade?  Are you raising queens?  Are you looking for an extractor? 

Here you can give away, sell, ask for or trade anything related to beekeeping. 
(Please remember that in Iowa, used beekeeping equipment needs to be inspected prior to sale.)

I bought a quantity of Acorn Med white frames w heavy wax.

If you buy them buy the case (72) they are a little over $2/ frame.

I would like to get $1.50/ frame.

I have 4 full cases available.

 Thank you

Fyi, I PLAN to have nucs for sale next late spring/summer.

Randy Hahn

H&H Home Builders

Office: 319.626.7355

Cell: 319.936.2030


I have a three-frame extractor (Kelly), electric uncapping knife, gated buckets, and sieves for sale on Craig's List and Facebook for $295. Thought there may be interest among your members.

David H. Kesler
395 Red Fox Road, S.E.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403


Looking for Beeswax
Jon Abel is looking for beeswax.  Please contact him at

Rebecca Katharine is also looking for beeswax to make beeswax candles.  You can reach her at


Bees and Beekeeping Equipment


Limited Quantities

Taking orders beginning Feb. 15th, 2024

5 frame nucs in box -- $200

8 frame nucs -- $265, free box

10 frame nucs -- $290, free box

mated, laying queens -- $35




Precious Bees

2024 Packages 

3# packages, $145 plus tax

approximately third week in April

Pickup at: 

Preciousbees Farm. 1828 Y Ave. Homestead, Iowa 52236

Paul Gardner, Precious Bees

Ph. 318-400-4228


Tyler Holton will be selling full five frame nucs for $190, available first or second week in May.  If the club gets enough orders, price may be reduced for quantity sale. Please order through his website and indicate Iowa City as the pickup location.


Floyd Otdoerfer in Coralville will be selling 4 frame nucs in the spring, available around June 1st from Iowa overwintered bees. Contact Floyd at 319-351-7428 to get on his list.


James Miller, at Wellman,  also may have nucs available. Email James at


Tim Willbanks

We are now taking orders for package bees for Spring 2024 for pick up

 in Washington, IA.  We are planning two deliveries to Washington: Delivery #1=

 late March to early April time frame and Delivery #2= mid to late April time frame.
We pride ourselves on the highest quality bees, and our team of producers, drivers,

 and beekeepers work extremely hard to ensure fresh and healthy bees upon

 delivery to you.
The pick up location will again be:  
Evolution Ag, 510 N. 12th Ave., Washington, IA 52353 (old Syngenta Seed Plant)

We have 2 options to order for picking up your bees in Washington, IA:

1)  You may order through our website's online store. 
The online store provides a faster, simpler way for you to order your bees and pay

 online with a credit card.

Online prices include the 7% Iowa Sales Tax. 
Order by clicking on the following link: 

2)  You can receive the cash/check discount by printing out this 2024 Bee Price

 List & Order Form (Washington, IA) and mailing it with a check or money order.
Once we receive your order, we will email you a sales receipt for your records. 
Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing mailed in order forms.  
We will contact you via email or phone in the Spring when your bees are arriving to

 give you the specific pick up date/time/details.  We try to plan for end-of-the-

week/weekend pick ups, but cannot guarantee this.  Exact dates/times are

 determined by harvest/shipping weather and trucking schedules and are not known

 in great advance.  It is your responsibility to make sure you or someone can pick

 up your bees during the pick up window.     

If you are interested in making the drive to our Sullivan, Wisconsin operation, we

 have free beekeeping classes available this Winter, beekeeping equipment, and

 regarding bees, more time frame and breed options available along with options for

 2lb. packages and 5-frame nucleus colonies.  Check out the following links

 regarding what's available at our Sullivan, WI location.

Bee well and have a wonderful Christmas and blessed New Year! 

Tim & Sarah Wilbanks and the kiddos

Tim Wilbanks
cell: (319) 321-2494
Heritage Honeybee, LLC
PO BOX 117
Sullivan, WI  53178


Ebert's now have their 2024 price list available.  Adam Ebert is located in Mt. Vernon.  Check their website for ordering and price information.


For Sale:  Observation Hive  
  We have a nice observation hive that Dave made (one frame + one super with glass on both sides) that we'd like to sell for $50. (Sold!)
I even made a cover for it out of fabric with bees on it for when we took it to schools, meetings, etc.....only slightly used.
Also have a standard refractometer we'd like to get $50 out of....listed in Dadant catalog for $84.95.
Have several quart jar feeders that sit over the hole in the inner cover.  Would take $1.00 each for them & the quart jars.
We used them in an super whenever the bees needed sugar water in the spring.
     Our phone # is 319-364-4449 and we live on the SW side of Cedar Rapids near Wilson School.
We got rid of almost all of our beekeeping gear but still have these things to get rid of.

Want to keep bees near a wooded area in Tiffin?  Call Gary Sedlecek.  319-530-6695
2412 Copi Road NW, Tiffin


Hello I am looking for someone to put up and take care of a hive in my garden.  I have little over acre and half of produce that needs a little bee activity.  Please e-mail me with questions at  I live by the Muscatine area.

I have land near Palo, Iowa, and would like  to have some honey bees present on the property.  It is a good, ideal location with a lot of resources for the bees.  If you would like to place a hive or hives on  my property, please contact me at 319-573-7965 or  email at
Thanks, Larry Wiley
Joyce Hanson, who lives near Toddville,  has 40 acres of prairie for bees to forage and is seeking a share of the honey in exchange. Joyce can be contacted at 319-366-6720.


To post a comment on this page, please use the comment link at the bottom of the page.  Once you have bought, sold or traded what you want, please post that as well so old posts can be removed but active ones can remain.

1 comment:

  1. If the following doesn't belong, please delete:

    On my site, (on which I publish a new bee photo every day), I've got 2021 bee calendars for sale. Have a look if you'd like - maybe good Christmas gifts?
